Connect with 100+ minority-owned businesses in the Northland. Businesses include restaurants, shops, services, organizations, and so much more.

Want to join the Northland BIPOC Business Directory? Join Now!

The Purpose

The Northland BIPOC Business Directory exists to celebrate, promote, ignite power, and advance people of color owned businesses and communities. This directory is intended for businesses that are people of color owned and operated in the Twin Ports to provide resources, connections, awareness, and to bring communities of color together.

Our city, like our nation, was built on systemic oppression. And still, our businesses owned by people of color continue to rise and care for our community by feeding us, nourishing us, sustaining our cultures and lifeways, entertaining us, and providing us with great products and services. Black, Indigenous, people of color owned businesses are integral to the fabric of our community. They deserve our support today and every day.

Goal 1

Success of Entrepreneurs of Color

Directing our buying power back to businesses owned by people of color will allow us to amplify awareness, create jobs, and provide the next generation a brighter future.

Goal 2

Strengthen our Community

We seek to lift up people, places, and products and to encourage you to fully support and participate in the creativity, joy, and self-determination of communities of color throughout our community.

Goal 3

Power an Inclusive Economy

Expand access to technical assistance, financial capital, grow social capital, procurement systems, and more to cultivate an inclusive ecosystem to close the racial wealth gap.

Your business deserves to be the highlight of the city! Get your business posted now and connect with our community of people of color owned business supporters!

Join Now


Coalitions of Change. Bringing business and community members together. Thank you for the generous support of our sustaining partners.

Entrepreneur Fund
City of Duluth
1200 Fund